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TMA Members Encouraged to Participate in Doctors' Day on the Hill


With the commencement of the second session of the 113th Tennessee General Assembly, TMA’s government affairs team will once again work to advance state laws and regulations that improve the professional working environment for physicians in Tennessee. 

TMA members are encouraged to participate in the legislative process at Doctors’ Day on the Hill taking place in Nashville on Tuesday, March 5. Attendees will have the opportunity to lobby state lawmakers on the organization’s 2024 policy agenda, including:

•Scope of Practice
•Physician Wellness
•Insurer Clawbacks
•Dr. Benjamin Mauck Act

This annual grassroots event is instrumental for bringing medicine’s message to the Tennessee State Capitol by helping to build strong alliances with legislators and positively influence public policy. 

“Lawmakers are lobbied all day by an array of special interest groups, so when their constituents show up to talk about an issue they pay attention,” said TMA’s Associate Director of Member Engagement, Erika Thomas. “It’s not about being a policy expert or hitting every single talking point. It is about finding common ground with your elected officials and being able to convey why an issue is important for your patients and the way you practice medicine. Legislators need to know the real-life implications of the healthcare laws they pass, and there’s no one better suited to educate them than the physicians in their communities back home.”

This year, Doctors’ Day on the Hill will begin at noon and give members the opportunity to lobby lawmakers about TMA’s policy agenda as well as share personal insights about other healthcare issues impacting their practice and patients. Later, attendees can enjoy an afternoon reception at the Nashville City Center from 4 – 6 p.m. 

The event is FREE and open to all TMA members, students, residents, alliance members, and practice administrators, but registration is required. Sign up at The last day to register is Friday, March 1.