Frequently Asked Questions
How much does it cost?
New members receive 50% off of normal dues in 2025, with meaningful discounts the next two years (50% off and 25% off, respectively). Additionally, you’ll find countless savings with product discounts, personal and commercial insurance reductions, investment programs and other key member benefits that will easily earn back your investment. When you consider everything a TMA membership includes, our dues are the best among any medical societies (national, specialty, etc.) to invest in your career and your practice.
Will I get my money's worth?
Absolutely. Every physician in Tennessee benefits exponentially when we work and win together. Many of TMA's member programs are easy to quantify. Here are a few examples:
• One call to our in-house attorneys for guidance can offset your annual dues.
• A standard engagement with our insurance services department involves recouping thousands in lost or delayed claims reimbursements.
Is this the same as joining the ama?
Not at all, we are completely separate entities. Many people confuse the TMA for the AMA, or have heard a membership requires joining both, but we are completely different organizations. In fact, the founding of Tennessee Medical Association in 1830 precedes the AMA by 17 years. Our pricing, programs, policies – even our politics – are determined, governed and executed right here in Tennessee.
Is there one key benefit I can't get somewhere else?
Actually, we have many member benefits that you won’t find elsewhere. Top of everyone’s mind though is TMA’s powerful, collective voice.
The Tennessee Medical Association is widely regarded among Tennessee policymakers and political insiders as one of the most valuable and trusted advocacy organizations on Capitol Hill. A recent independent survey by Capitol Resources, LLC, a multi-state government relations firm with offices in Tennessee, rated TMA highest (86%) among 25 other statewide organizations and associations as being influential in shaping public policy.
Doesn't everyone lobby Capitol Hill the same?
Definitely not. A TMA membership offers one benefit that many medical specialty associations and other professional associations cannot deliver: We have multiple respected and successful lobbyists working for you on staff full-time. Your TMA membership includes access to this team of advocacy professionals, not under a ballooning service contract. They are always here. For you.
I'm so busy, how can I squeeze this in?
Active participation and leadership is not for everyone. For many, maintaining a membership is convincing support of the work we do for them and other Tennessee physicians.
For those who do seek to engage, the digital age presents many opportunities that don’t require large time commitments. Much of our work involves mobilizing Tennessee’s physicians through electronic responses which only require literally a few seconds. We do the heavy lifting and circle in members when quick responses are needed to lobby national or state issues. Much of our member engagements are considered “light touches” and many of our meetings are virtual so the time you would otherwise spend driving or parking is saved instantly.
Doesn't my Employer/Group take care of everything I need?
From our current members’ perspective, they do not. Are they working to protect their corporate interests, or you as a physician and your practice? Our association is run by physicians, for physicians, and our members drive our agenda. And TMA has the size and influence to take on issues that no hospital, health system or physician group can win on its own. Our relationships with other associations, organizations, legislators, even your contemporaries and competitors, are as strong as any.
Doesn't my specialty society give me everything I need?
They may focus on the issues that affect your specialty, but TMA takes on bigger issues that specialty societies cannot or will not touch. TMA has the size and reach to represent all Tennessee physicians, regardless of specialty. Keep in mind that without membership in TMA, we cannot address your specific issue unless they are of society-wide concern.
What's in this for me?
We are your voice on Capitol Hill, your regulatory watchdog, your intermediary with health insurance companies, your source of legal guidance and interpretation, and your marketplace for financial and other products at discount thanks to our advantageous group purchasing power. Tailor the right member benefit package to match your needs and you will reduce, save or invest enough to easily (more than) cover your membership. We offer dozens upon dozens of cost savings benefits to our members.
Will my membership make a difference?
Absolutely, it will. If too many Tennessee physicians take a passive attitude, we all stand to lose. Your membership dues help ensure our team can keep protecting you as a physician. Corporate and political interests are typically very well-funded, so organized medicine needs to keep up. Other people are making decisions that directly affect your livelihood and your patients. You can choose to sit back, do nothing and let things happen to you. Or you can stand up for what’s right and be part of the solution. Membership is an investment in your business and your profession.